
My Uto­pia One of the tasks of uto­pia is to show the mal­le­ab­il­ity of the world. Uto­pi­as allow us to see the course of his­tory as some­thing not pre­de­ter­mined. They open up an ima­gin­ary space of pos­sib­il­it­ies, of redesign and recom­pos­i­tion. In this way, the pos­sible bey­ond the actu­al becomes ima­gin­able.

But what could or should anoth­er world look like? Which ele­ments of the old should we integ­rate into the com­pos­i­tion of the new? What should be formed anew? And how would our own life look in a new, bet­ter world? Your par­ti­cip­a­tion con­sists of four simple steps.

Take a portrait photograph of an object from your everyday life that symbolically points a way to a better world - this can be a manufactured object or something from nature.

Upload the photo here (max. 2 MB, JPG, PNG)

What do you associate with this object? In what way does it point to a better world?

The ideas of a better world are as diverse as we humans ourselves. How do you imagine the contours of this world? What would be important for you? What would your own life look like in it?

Take as much space as you like for your answer.

This information will be evaluated using an anonymous form. Your first name or pseudonym and place will be published with your photo on this website while maintaining anonymity.

Do you agree that we may publish your photo and your answers on this website and, if applicable, in a real-world exhibition and in scientific publications?

You agree that according to the privacy policy your data may be processed anonymously for scientific purposes.