How does the shown object point to a better world?

This is a small apple tree from a seed of the vari­ety New Bernese Rose Apple. It ger­min­ated a few days before the corona vir­us lock­down. Each apple seed­ling bears new char­ac­ter­ist­ics, but these only become vis­ible after years when it bears fruit for the first time. I have to take care of this tree for a long time until I finally know if it will bring me good fruit. So this seed­ling is an invest­ment in the future, a sign of hope and con­fid­ence. At the same time, it remains a part of nature which not only exists for me, but which is a large and com­plex inter­ac­tion of count­less parts.

I have writ­ten a small book of poems about this apple tree and made draw­ings about it. It con­nects me with the idea of a bet­ter life in and with nature, with J.J. Rousseau, with walks in the forest, with poetry and art, with beauty, Switzer­land, and oth­er regions.

Nou­velle Rose de Berne (Rousseau on Saint Peter’s Island)

the revolu­tion lies therein
he says
cast out by soci­ety
for the rest of my life
to set down
exclave nou­velle rose
to stroll around
dream­ing in an unknown forest
in order to trail
wild apples

This is how I imagine a better world:

Art and cul­ture become main dis­cip­lines. Strol­lo­logy is advan­cing.
Every­one plants an apple tree.

Every­one gets a small house with a garden. All hotels offer world­wide and free of charge a suite for a bed-in. Love&Peace forever.
When spring comes, we go out into the fresh air every day. In sum­mer, I bake a straw­berry cake and invite every­one for a meal. In autumn, apples are har­ves­ted; their scent fills the whole house. In winter, we sit at the stove and pon­der; if pos­sible, we go out ski­ing. Or we cul­tiv­ate the pro­duc­tion of good cheese.
Because all people are born free and equal in dig­nity and rights and should remain so.
There are no bor­ders or states any­way, just a world with thou­sands of recipes.
In it, nobody should be rich or poor and every­body gets a basic income without any con­di­tions.

This text was translated by machine. See original text.