How does the shown object point to a better world?
This is a small apple tree from a seed of the variety New Bernese Rose Apple. It germinated a few days before the corona virus lockdown. Each apple seedling bears new characteristics, but these only become visible after years when it bears fruit for the first time. I have to take care of this tree for a long time until I finally know if it will bring me good fruit. So this seedling is an investment in the future, a sign of hope and confidence. At the same time, it remains a part of nature which not only exists for me, but which is a large and complex interaction of countless parts.
I have written a small book of poems about this apple tree and made drawings about it. It connects me with the idea of a better life in and with nature, with J.J. Rousseau, with walks in the forest, with poetry and art, with beauty, Switzerland, and other regions.
Nouvelle Rose de Berne (Rousseau on Saint Peter’s Island)
the revolution lies therein
he says
cast out by society
for the rest of my life
to set down
exclave nouvelle rose
to stroll around
dreaming in an unknown forest
in order to trail
wild apples
This is how I imagine a better world:
Art and culture become main disciplines. Strollology is advancing.
Everyone plants an apple tree.
Everyone gets a small house with a garden. All hotels offer worldwide and free of charge a suite for a bed-in. Love&Peace forever.
When spring comes, we go out into the fresh air every day. In summer, I bake a strawberry cake and invite everyone for a meal. In autumn, apples are harvested; their scent fills the whole house. In winter, we sit at the stove and ponder; if possible, we go out skiing. Or we cultivate the production of good cheese.
Because all people are born free and equal in dignity and rights and should remain so.
There are no borders or states anyway, just a world with thousands of recipes.
In it, nobody should be rich or poor and everybody gets a basic income without any conditions.
This text was translated by machine. See original text.