How does the shown object point to a better world?
The recognition and respect of nature’s right to existence and our responsibility in caring for ecosystems, so that these wonderful beings that migrate can continue to live and with them we can continue to live. We are codependent, our lives are related and we share the planet.
This is how I imagine a better world:
Respect for life in all its forms, a fundamental principle for a better world. In our hands is the decision to welcome diversity as a starting point for the creation of alternative ways to prevent and manage conflicts, to promote inclusive living conditions for all, in accordance with their ethnic and cultural characteristics and places of origin. The planet is not our property, it is not there for our voracious appetite, recognizing that nature is our mother and we must protect it and heal it from the deep wounds we have made from ambition, the unlimited accumulation requires a paradigm shift from utilitarianism to co-responsibility.
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