How does the shown object point to a better world?
For me, clouds are symbolically an image, a place and a counterpart that points to a better world for me. The clouds make renewal visible to me, as the water cycle represents it. The clouds, which on clear days with lots of sunshine are not there at all and then slowly and without much attention gather together and become misty, drop by drop fill up more and more with water and then dance across the sky, bring rain, in heat also thunderstorms, only to disappear again afterwards. And reappear again.
This is how I imagine a better world:
For me, a utopia is actually an unreachable place that only exists in my imagination. I think rather pessimistically and follow the scientific insight that we have no future as humanity because of the destruction we cause. And this end is very near.
My gut feeling is different. When I read that an animal species that was already considered extinct is now having offspring again, I get the feeling that I have hope — and this hopeful feeling is utopian thinking for me.
I imagine a better world in such a way that we don’t abolish our world (or parts of it, as it has happened in many visions), but perceive it differently than we do now, by seeing everything around us (and especially ourselves) as bounded and interconnected and by granting each individual a right to exist, every cloud and every tree, the glass on our table and the food we eat and ourselves. We would experience ourselves in a large interwoven network, which would help us to live in and with this world and not from it.
I imagine a form of settlement in which there would be no distinction between city and country, but cities crowned with plants and trees (on the roofs and balconies), with lakes and forests in the middle. There would be no escape from the cities into a romanticized country life, because the whole earth would be seen from the outside in the universe, so to speak, with a view from outside, and would thus be pleasant for the inhabitants* everywhere, in every place.
In this ideal, utopian life, there would be no separation of the generations either, because they would live together. Short journeys would be abolished because journeys would be given a different status and would be slow and long.
The utopian thing about it is above all that every human being, animal, element of nature, spiritual entity or other sacred dimension would have its own right to exist, agency and rights and would not always have to defend itself against others. I myself would paint, write, do research, swim and feel at home in the middle of my life between my aging parents and my growing son. This sounds pathetic and kitschy, but this increased emotional dialogue would indeed be my wish for the future.
This text was translated by machine. See original text.