How does the shown object point to a better world?
This photo combines four separate images, all with intricate designs. All four images are ordinary, but beautiful; combined, they contain multitudes. The concept of this reminds me that ordinary humanity can be beautiful, but that we can only attain the full scope of ingenuity when we are combined. It is an image which, to me, draws out the intricate connections between every part of our planet, and how little anything means when viewed in isolation.
This is how I imagine a better world:
A better world is one where we recognise that cooperation is worth more than competition, one where we use our combined resources to meet basic living needs for everyone, instead of some hoarding wealth and goods while others go without.
A better world values people for who they are, recognises that many things constitute work and does not give some tasks status over others.
A better world treats every living being with respect, care and consideration, from insects to humans. A better world remembers that all elements of being are valid and abhors discrimination.
A better world knows that we are all imperfect. It allows us to make mistakes, without judgement, and it demonstrates a way of living that can be experimental, messy, curious and creative. A better world is one in which there are no barriers to access, where we all have the freedom to try and no shame in falling, trying again, or changing one’s mind.
A better world does not exploit the earth or any of the life on it.
A better world has space for disagreement without violence.
In this world, I would be part of something bigger than myself. In this world, everyone would matter. In this world, no one would be ‘too much’ or ’not enough’. In this world, I would travel and listen, and help people achieve their goals. I would look at the ocean, at the forests, at the people around me, and know that we could work together to eliminate material suffering.
In this world, I would love and I would trust.
And so would everyone.