How does the shown object point to a better world?
The photo shows the bread I baked a few days ago and the sourdough that goes with it.
For baking bread you need nothing more than flour, water, some salt and a lot of time. The sourdough can be used over and over again, gets better from bread to bread, but has to be fed and cared for regularly.
So bread and leaven are for me symbols for a better world, where people meet each other in patience, take time for each other and pay attention to small things and activities.
This is how I imagine a better world:
In my idea of a better world there is room for everyone. Since everyone can develop freely, everyone is happier. Nobody has to work to earn a living, but everyone is involved according to their abilities and interests to contribute to the common good. That is why everyone can go to work with enthusiasm.
All people have access to gardens, libraries, workshops, theatres, sports facilities, bakeries and museums. They can meet in social projects that do not have to be advertised as “projects” because they are normal. Medical care, education, water and electricity supply, public transport etc. are secured and financed by public funds. All people of all ages can learn what they want and get help with personal problems. Nobody is told for no reason that he/she is too old or too young for something, all members of society are taken seriously.
Money doesn’t play a special role, maybe there simply isn’t any, or every*r has just as much of it that he/she doesn’t need it anymore. There are no “useless” luxury goods like fast cars, gold bars or expensive watches. Instead of their sales value, items are valued according to their practical use.
In my world, I have time to make things myself instead of choosing them from overflowing shelves. I can and want to take time for the people I live with. I am ready to take on challenges and do not take the easy way.
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