How does the shown object point to a better world?

This is what the life of a cow can look like: Rolling on the green mead­ow and drink­ing fresh water dir­ectly from the stream. The pic­ture points to a bet­ter world, as most cows live their lives in fact­ory farm­ing and will nev­er see a green mead­ow or the sun in their short lives.

This is how I imagine a better world:

I am hor­ri­fied by the fact that the idea of not harm­ing oth­er liv­ing beings must be for­mu­lated as a uto­pia of a bet­ter world. It really does not require any spe­cial sens­it­iv­ity or exag­ger­ated empathy to empath­ise with the life and feel­ings of these won­der­ful creatures. Nor do we need to human­ise them in order to grant them a life without suf­fer­ing. Rather, we only have to under­stand and take ourselves ser­i­ously as human beings. For who are we, if we allow this to hap­pen?

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