How does the shown object point to a better world?

This is the dome of the Sheikh Lot­fol­lah Mosque at Naqsh‑e Jahan Square in Isfa­han, Iran, which I was allowed to vis­it in 2017. It became a dream. It is enchant­ing, beau­ti­ful. It is uni­ver­sal, divine, per­fect. Here it does not mat­ter if or what someone believes, where someone comes from, what someone does. I can­not ima­gine that there is any­one in the world who would not be amazed, admired here. I.e. they con­nect. The people, the cul­tures. In all their diversity. We are one.

This is how I imagine a better world:

For me, a bet­ter world would be a world in which people were at the centre. Not the will to power of some, the desire of one to dom­in­ate the oth­er, the belief in one’s own bet­ter-than-oth­er. Not to be against each oth­er, but to be with each oth­er. There would be no wars, no hatred. We actu­ally have more in com­mon than dif­fer­ences. Skin col­our, reli­gion, gender have no mean­ing, are taken for gran­ted and do not serve as a basis for dif­fer­en­ti­ation or eval­u­ation. We care about the things we can influ­ence for the bet­ter. Every­one tries to con­trib­ute accord­ing to his or her abil­it­ies.

respect. In the end it is always about respect. Respect for the oth­er per­son. Human beings. Anim­al. thing. nature. Respect­ing the oth­er and per­ceiv­ing him as equal. The strong help the weak without want­ing to take advant­age of them or feel­ing super­i­or to them. To be care­ful. Reas­on and empathy set the corner­stones.

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