How does the shown object point to a better world?
The object meant in this photo is the note with the inscription “Sisterhood!” This note hung in a bar in Erlangen. The photo was taken on this year’s International Women’s Day. For me, the object means solidarity among women which is often not part of the “normal” socialization as we know it from the majority of the society. The fact that this piece of paper hangs in public and has a place in it means to me that something could change in the future. An idea which takes up space. The “fourth wave of feminism” picks up many new topics that were not recognized earlier, such as the issue of solidarity among women. This photo also beautifully illustrates the radiance and attraction of this subject. The two young women turn towards the object and, together, they raise their fists. It has the effect to encourage the women to feel powerful and strong together and to not face each other in resentment and to not keep each other down
This is how I imagine a better world:
In a gender-equitable utopia of course, it would not matter who is of which gender and even better: which skin color. For one of the topics picked up by the fourth wave of feminism is the idea of intersectional feminism. After all, not only white women should experience justice, but all women: black women, women of color, trans women, etc. Unfortunately, these women are even more affected by sexist discrimination and sexual assault. In the end, social participation and power would be fairly distributed among all social circles and strata. Only the human beings count and not their genetic traits for which, incidentally, nobody is responsible.
How I imagine my own life in utopia can, unfortunately, only be described by how it would NOT be.
Women would not feel inferior because they are the “other” sex.
Women would not be reduced to their appearance.
Women would not be whistled at in public or touched indecently.
“Slut” would not be a word to defame women.
Women would not be afraid to go home in the evening because they live in a rape culture.
Women would not experience sexualized violence in relationships, in their personal environments, or in their professional lifes.
Women would not experience domestic violence or even become victims of femicide.
Ultimately, what hallmarks discrimination is that those affected wish that certain things would NOT happen. And in this photo, as I perceive it, the compensation of one of these infinite deficits is suggested. Solidarity among women.
This text was translated by machine. See original text.