How does the shown object point to a better world?
When I see that picture, I think water is one of the most valuable things we have. And the fact is, pure water is a great privilege. A privilege for very few. If our planet has so much water, how can you say it is scarce? But of the 70% water on the planet, only 3% is sweet water, and of that 3%, most is contaminated. Can you imagine that half the world’s rivers are already polluted? Can you imagine that the distribution of this residue of drinking water is completely unequal? It is unthinkable that several nations of the world have enormous problems with water shortages and that with global warming, the trend is not to improve. I have seen reports about places in this world where people have to walk miles to get water, which is not always potable. Sometimes when I turn on the tap here at home and the water that flows can be drunk without problems, I think that we here in Germany live in a privileged world. Clear water in a rapid, as in this photo, is something very few people know. For me, this picture represents a better world, which everyone should have access to. I can say that this is my utopia.
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