How does the shown object point to a better world?

This is a poster from Oman min­istry of health. “keep dis­tance to avoid infec­tion by COVID-19 ”. The pic­ture is funny. It’s just like an about-to-kiss pos­ture at the first glance. I am a work­ing-visa hold­er in Mus­cat, Oman, an acient islam­ic coun­try. But I am from China, “born under the red flag”. I was quite ignor­ant, at the same time, sens­it­ive about reli­gion. I know homo­sexu­al­ity is a taboo for many reli­gions and cul­tures. On the con­trary, as one of the mil­len­ni­al gen­er­a­tion, I am a BL fan­fic­tion writer. So the pic­ture gave me a con­tra­dict­ory ten­sion (and it made me laugh). I kept won­der­ing when “taboo” meets “glob­al crisis”, how could they sud­denly dis­pelled by an amus­ing illus­tra­tion without any aes­thet­ics. Cur­rently I am stuck at Mus­cat away from Home for nearly a year. The pic­ture to me is like a spir­itu­al placebo. Its text struggles with epi­dem­ic. Its image fights sur­pris­ingly for gender minor­it­ies. Its exist­ence gives me an ambigu­ous hope and ease. A bet­ter world should be like this. Respons­ible, equal, but not mono­ton­ous.

This is how I imagine a better world:

A bet­ter world for me is like when we get a little drunk, we for­get the pain­ful memor­ies and open our hearts to sur­round­ing. No one will take kind­ness as hypo­crisy. No one deny anyone’s ideas. Time counts every seconds. We open to each oth­er, embra­cing con­tra­dic­tions, imper­fec­tions, and even absurd. So in this world, we won’t be so care­ful. Life will be easy, life will make a room for pos­sib­il­ity.