How does the shown object point to a better world?

This is a mobile phone. Today, most, if not all, of us own a mobile phone. When I first arrived in Africa some 20 years ago, com­mu­nic­a­tion with my par­ents and fam­ily mem­bers was obvi­ously a chal­lenge. The arrival of mobile phones made com­mu­nic­a­tion much easi­er. The mobile phone points to a bet­ter world as it reminds me that I am con­nec­ted to oth­er fel­low human beings. The mobile phone also points to human weak­nesses. Often times, people spend more time on their mobile phones while ignor­ing the pres­ence of oth­ers. There has been many examples where people are quickly using their mobile phones to film a fatal car crash, instead of help­ing those involved in the acci­dent. As such, the mobile phone plays a cru­cial role in awaken­ing my sense of human­ity from time to time.

This is how I imagine a better world:

Through­out my adult life, I have lived in dif­fer­ent coun­tries and con­tin­ents. As a res­ult, I have met people from dif­fer­ent cul­tures and back­grounds. I also engaged with people who have dif­fer­ent world­views and philo­soph­ic­al approaches to how our soci­et­ies oper­ate. Des­pite these dif­fer­ences, I have real­ised that there is always a meet­ing point, a point that brings us togeth­er and con­nects us to one anoth­er. And the point has always been about how we all build and nur­ture the world we live in for a bet­ter future.