How does the shown object point to a better world?

This is indeed the most com­mon­place object that we use and rightly appre­ci­ate in our so-called civ­il­ized world.
We have become so accus­tomed to being con­nec­ted to the sew­er­age sys­tem and the prop­er dis­pos­al of fae­ces as if it were the most nat­ur­al thing in the world.

This is how I imagine a better world:

Novem­ber 19 was declared World Toi­let Day by the UN.
Accord­ing to the World Health Organ­iz­a­tion (WHO), 4.2 bil­lion people still suf­fer from unclean san­it­a­tion, 673 mil­lion even have to use the out­doors, and three bil­lion have no oppor­tun­ity to wash their hands whenev­er they want. (Source:

How­ever, hygiene is an import­ant pre­requis­ite for health. All the more essen­tial in the cur­rent corona times.

There­fore I wish for all people world­wide at least a min­im­um of hygien­ic con­di­tions, clean lav­at­or­ies in suf­fi­cient num­ber, reg­u­larly and pro­fes­sion­ally dis­posed sep­tic tanks or con­nec­tions to the sewage sys­tem.
The free access to drink­ing water is a human right and must not serve profit interests in the future!

This text was translated by machine. See original text.