How does the shown object point to a better world?
The photo represents one of my favorite life quotes, Think positive, Be positive!
Positive thoughts, positive feelings and positive living all point to a better world. That is why I have made it my life objective to engage in every good effort to create a world where a consistency of positive thinking about things and other people is possible.
A better world starts with me, a beautiful world begins from within, it begins in one’s mind with pleasant thoughts. The most amazing thing about cultivating positive thoughts is that they don’t only contribute to a stable mental health but they also ignite huge sparkles of kindness in those around you and where people are kind to each other, there exists peace.
This is how I imagine a better world:
I long for a world where everyone can consistently entertain, practice and ultimately master a consistent positive inner world (positive thoughts, positive mind), where people have positive outlook towards life circumstances and where they have good thoughts about others regardless of how they look, where they come from or what they did to them. A world where no one blames anyone because of finding themselves in a strange or an unpleasant life circumstance, where one says to themselves “I didn’t do it correctly, next time I believe I will do it better” AND NOT “Its because you told me to do it this way, that’s why it failed”. I wish for a world where everyone thinks good and better thoughts about themselves not based on the materials they have accumulated but simply based on that they are human and they hold so much power to determine what becomes of them in this world. A world where the possibility of big dreams is a norm, a world where peace flows like a fountain, a world where meaningful relations exist between people. My utopia will be a world where positive living is not only a lifestyle but also a harmonious place of solace for people around me.